Rite of Passage, Rasan & PDKI

It has been a long time since Iranian Kurdish community has taken distance from its traditional lifestyle. It doesn’t mean that all the Kurds everywhere in Kurdistan have the same story, but it can be said that a majority of people in Kurdistan don’t leave anymore in a traditional style. After the Iranian revolution in 1979, enlarging of cities, making political, social, economic and cultural plans and policies by the Islamic regime of Iran in Kurdistan, increasing of micro industries and education and expanding of information channels among others have brought Kurdish community to the rite of passage and taken this region farther from its traditional lifestyle. Now the Kurdish leadership should take a leading role in their society during this time based on the local wishes and plans to push the society to pass through this delicate stage more safely.

Concerning passing from a traditional stage to a modern one, there are different experiences for divers’ societies. Rite of passage includes many changes; for instance, when Europe started to take distance from its traditional lifestyle and put its feet in the passage stage, it faced many crises, but the European community at that time had a liable self-leadership. However, the crisis is the common feature of rite of passage and this crisis will include social, economic, cultural, religious and political aspects.  

After its leaving from traditional life style under control of Islamic Regime of Iran, the Eastern Kurdistan community couldn’t step in modernity and a stabilized life structure and it has been faced with crises and divers issues for many years. Eastern Kurdistan has here another property and it is related to its political community, including its organizations and parties, which lives in exile. This point and many other factors have put our society in transitional period.

Splits and break-ups of main parties into smaller organizations are two of the most important issues in our political society. But except this, the gap between political parties and our society has had the biggest influence and played the most negative role in putting Kurdish parties in crisis time. Because, in my opinion, reforms within a semi- reconstruction, according to the reality of the current situation to start a new fight stage, are really essential for Kurdish parties and, in this regard, Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) has more responsibility.

It has been more than one year that PDKI leadership has started a new phase of fighting under the name of Rasan. As mentioned earlier, the PDKI leadership would have to study Rasan inside rite of passage and its crisis and related issues at this time, and at the end – short time ASAP-  PDKI will regard Rasan as the leading thought and try to find a political agenda to pass Kurdish society through rite of passage with so many sensibilities and its high costs.

To sum up, the Kurdish leading parties in general and PDKI in particular should undertake the responsibility of leading the Eastern Kurdistan community through transition from a traditional society to a modern one. Having felt the necessity of direct contact with its people, PDKI has started a new policy called RASAN by having its fighters present among people physically and promoting its modern values and principles.



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